Things to Consider when Replacing a Garage Door Opener
From motor types to safety features, making an informed choice requires careful consideration of various aspects.
What Is the Average Life of a Garage Door Opener?
The opener is a crucial component of an automatic garage door. As the name suggests, it’s a motorized device that opens and closes the garage door.
Choosing a Digital Keypad Code for a Garage Door
Several mechanical digital locks in the market are easy to install and can be operated by anyone in the family using a single keypad code.
Garage Door Remote Problems Aren't Always an Open and Shut Case
You can troubleshoot the garage door opener on your own, saving you time and money.
Garage Door Maintenance Chores
Keeping your garage door functioning will keep a family car safe and garage belongings secure. Here are a few maintenance chores a homeowner can do for themselves.
Garage Door Security Weaknesses
By knowing these weaknesses, you can tailor your security to circumvent them and derail a burglar’s attempts to exploit them as a means of entry to your home.
Home Automation: Smart Garage Door Opener
Before purchasing a new opener, however, it’s a good idea to have a local garage door professional perform preventative maintenance.