The Anatomy of a Garage Door
Aside from operating the door four times per day, the average homeowner doesn’t understand how that garage door works. Are you one of them? Not anymore!
Spring Clean your Garage
What better way to welcome spring than with a clean, organized garage, which allows you to both store your stuff and protect your vehicles?
Spring Cleaning the Garage Door
There’s no getting around it: every garage door on every house will get dirty over time. Thankfully, spring cleaning the garage door is an easy chore that with the right products, takes only minutes.
Quieting a Noisy Garage Door
A noisy garage door is a real problem. It creates discomfort, interferes with an individual’s peace of mind and if there are living quarters directly above or adjacent the door, can disrupt sleep.
Problem with the Garage Door Closing?
Are you having issues with your garage door closing? Here are some of the more common reasons why your garage door may not close or stay closed.
Installation: Garage Door Weatherstripping
Replacing damaged weatherstripping around the door will help keep dirt, debris, and insects and rodents from entering the garage.
How To: Gel Stain Your Garage Door
If you would like to update the appearance of your door, leaving it looking like the day it was first installed, then this garage door staining guide is a must-read!
How To: Garage Organization
You’ve had enough of your cluttered garage. It’s time, once and for all, to clean it up so that you can finally park your vehicle(s) in it. Wondering where to start? Here are some garage organization tips you may find useful.
How Long Do Garage Door Springs Last?
Nothing in life lasts forever including your garage door springs. In fact, they are generally only good for 10,000 cycles.
Holiday Decorating Ideas to Try
Celebrate the season with these holiday decorating ideas for your garage door.
Garage Door Safety Checklist
1 in 15 garages may lack the latest garage door safety features or may not be operating properly according to LiftMaster®. Is yours one of them?
Garage Door Opener Buying Guide
Newer model garage door openers offer increased safety, security and convenience, making upgrading a worthwhile expenditure.
Considering a New Garage Door?
While a garage door may not be the stuff of new home fairytales, it is likely the first thing you will see, so why not invest in a new garage door?
Common Reasons for Garage Door Springs
Standard double garage doors are 16-foot movable walls. They are constructed with a complex system: The counterbalance system. A well-balanced counterbalance system supports the weight of the door each time it is raised and lowered.
Best Investments: Exterior Home Improvements
Exterior home improvements, from a garage door replacement to stone veneer siding, dominate the list of projects with the highest return on investment.
Are You Prepared for Arizona’s Monsoon Season?
Arizona’s monsoon season – June 15 through September 30 – brings summer thunderstorms that often strike suddenly and with violent force. High winds, lightning strikes, torrential rain, dust storms, extreme heat, and the occasional microburst are all par for the course during “the monsoon.”
5 Most Common Garage Door Problems
Having trouble with your garage door? If you are dealing with any of the following 5 most common garage door problems, then you will need the expertise of a local professional garage door repair company, to ensure your door functions as it should.
4 Ways to Winterize Your Garage
Fall is the perfect time to get your garage ready for cooler weather. Here are some ideas to help you winterize your garage.
HOA Regulations and Your Garage
One of the things an HOA may have jurisdiction over is the maintenance of your garage door.