Causes of Garage Door Track Misalignment
Garage door misalignment can also be caused by the door colliding with an object blocking its path while closing.
A garage door’s tracks are the base of all door operations, as they hold and guide the rollers, which allow the door to move smoothly. If these tracks become misaligned, it can be a severe issue and must be resolved immediately. Homeowners should understand how garage door tracks become misaligned to be able to quickly identify any issues with their door.
Broken garage door cables
Garage door tracks most commonly become misaligned when one or both garage door cables break. A cable often breaks only on one side of the track, usually while the door is opening, and is usually caused by years of use and depreciation.
Collision with an object
Garage door misalignment can also be caused by the door colliding with an object blocking its path while closing. Modern garage doors have sensors that stop the door from closing if an object is detected, however, older garage doors do not always have this technology. As soon as the garage door makes contact with an obstruction, it can result in off-tracking the door.
Garage door impact
An impact on the front or back of a closed garage door can also cause track misalignment. For example, if a car mistakenly tries to exit or enter the garage while the door is down.
Damage to garage door rollers
Garage door rollers are a fundamental part of the garage door system. Issues with the rollers can cause misalignment, such as displacement from lack of lubrication on the roller stems or if the rollers become frozen or damaged. Regular lubrication of all moving parts of a garage door is an effective and affordable way to avoid track misalignment and the need for professional repairs.
Damage to garage door tracks
Similarly, misalignment can occur if the door tracks become warped or damaged. Constant door weight on the track over time can cause metal fatigue in the tracks, while lock strikers can cause severe scraping on the vertical track, both of which lead to misalignment. Natural deterioration of the garage door parts is inevitable, but installing high-quality tracks and being mindful of how often the door is opened and closed can prolong the life of these tracks.
Regional environmental factors
Garage door track misalignment can also result from track deterioration due to local environmental factors, which vary depending on geographic location. In some regions, exposure to road salt and other corrosive industrial chemicals leads to compromise of the galvanization on the tracks, often requiring a replacement. Corrosion, however, is more evident in coastal areas due to a breezy and humid maritime environment.
Homeowners should know what factors in their local environment can cause deterioration to their garage door parts and consider these factors in the case of garage door misalignment.
Phoenician Garage Door & Repair specializes in efficiently accomplishing all garage door jobs, from garage door drum replacement and garage door spring replacement to garage door cable repair and replacement. We offer easy online scheduling. Call (602) 610-0112.